Home » News » OUR BEAUTY COMES FROM THE PLANET’S BEAUTY: the case history of cosmetics realized through the moon.
“A partnership of guaranteed expertise where I could rediscover both the human side and the co-working availability that most of PMI lacks of“: this is how Dr. Teresa Ingino, alkemy’s pharmacist and formulator, towards this special collaboration realized by two enterprises with a shared mission: excellence in their industry which reflects on a designer functional concept, innovative and ecosustainable, never leaving out the everyday natural simplicity and elegance constantly pursued by the beauty world.
Recycled and recyclable materials used by Valmatic in its special realization of packagings, respect the same accuracy which alkemy reservs to our planet and his elements. “A subtle avantgarde emerges from the philosophy of this alchemical preparation” Teresa explains: “its ingredients gain pure nutritional properties because they’re treated under the lunar cycle’s influence, by donating an unspoiled wellbeing“. That is the reason why Valmatic suggests to express this project through gold lines on the packaging, pastel colours and gentle inscriptions, worthy of a brand who exhibits fiercely at the distinguished Rinascente in Milan.
The formulation of tailor-made samplings, whose details fit the esthetic and dosage peculiarities of dedicated product, designs a performing devotion that goes over the only production activity, guarding the first aim to assure an high-quality service and the presence of Valmatic’s personality. Its orientation to allow a specific versatility in proposing diverse solutions and the completeness both in packaging’s aspect and functionality, fits perfectly with alkemy’s intention to value her own diversification, not just in her personal care line of products but also in her awareness to present an unique one, coming from natural element’s secrets with their particular exposition to the moon, creating that tangible wellness which consumers aspire to receive. And what’s better than the chance to enjoy a beneficial product with autenthic amenities at hand?
“With Teresa I empathized right away” affirms Graziana Tassinari, sales manager of Valmatic. “Her brand just matched our innovative design: the vial chosen by alkemy is of the latest generation with a top transparency. Illustrative cards enfold vials and secondary packagings are designed and supplied by us“
Finally, Valmatic would be hosted by national and international events: for all the news, visit www.valmaticsrl.com and https://myalkemy.it.